Wednesday, March 24, 2010


For all those people who talk in a language of the Finance with words interspersed with terms like CDO, LIBOR etc etc... This will be a post of interest, The Flagship event of the Finclub, FINANCE UTSAV just got over after filling up everyone's life with equations and equity in equal proportion. The month long event started on March 7th and was designed to enthrall, captivate, stimulate and force the students to apply their existing knowledge and also to be more equipped with financial skills.

There were a whole basket of events to test the all-round skills, YUDHVIDYA, is the main crowd puller, eagerly awaited by the the finance-inclined students, affectionately (???) called as FinFreaks by the BIM population. This was the event where teams battle over two rounds as they analyze the balance sheets of organizations and take decisions for them to maximize profit. Special lectures were also organized as a part of the event. FinGuns, a two round quiz testing both current awareness as well as reasoning skills also was conducted. Bulls and Bears tested the stock market knowledge and decision making skills of BIM Students. Chakravyuh, the online treasure hunt also saw students participating in hordes and pulling their hair out trying to connect the clues and get the answers to reach the final level.

Finclub also came with a magazine called FINZINE, with a loads of info on the world of finance which can also be a ready-reckoner of sorts for all the students.