Saturday, November 01, 2008


KSHAN is the Impromptu Strategy formulation game organized by FINCLUB for the students every year. The event is about strategy formulation for the given situation. KSHAN’08 is a great success with an overwhelming response of more than 35 teams. The event witnessed most enthusiastic participants with amazing strategies solving the given problem. The winners were given on the spot cash prizes. KSHAN ’08 was organized and conducted by FINCLUB25 yesterday.


The organizers are all set for their next extravaganza about stock market. The event will give the participants, real world knowledge related to shares and stocks as the event will be conducted in a real time stock market simulator. The event is for a week and will have daily ups and downs according to the real market scenario. The event is named ‘BULLS N BEARS’.  Let us wait for another interesting event from FINCLUB25.